
  • CULTURE: MARTA LOTTA “I.S.E” single party at Tallinn Bus Station

    On 20.09.2024, starting at 18:00, there will be a presentation party for MARTA LOTTA’s new single “I.S.E” at the Tallinn Bus Station.

    MARTA LOTTA is a singer who became known to Estonians through the TV projects “Ma näen su häält” (2022) and “Eesti otsib superstaari” (2023), in which she took fifth place with her captivating performances.

    All music lovers are invited to the single presentation party for FREE!

  • TRAVEL INFO: Full customs control at the Narva, Luhamaa, and Koidula border points

    Following the 4 July decision of the Estonian Government, the Estonian Tax and Customs Board (ETCB) will commence, as of 8 August, to increase the capacity of controls of persons travelling and goods being transported to the Russian Federation via Narva, Luhamaa, and Koidula border crossing points to gradually prepare for a seamless transition to the new system.

    The ETCB asks all persons crossing the border to ensure that they do not carry prohibited goods and to set aside more time for crossing the border.

    “Implementation of sanctions is the number one priority in the field of customs, and taking goods that can be used in warfare to the Russian Federation is under especially close attention of customs authorities,” said Voldemar Linno, Head of ETCB’s Customs Control Department.

    Carrying out full customs controls instead of the current risk-based controls is time-consuming and could reduce the capacity of the border in the direction of the Russian Federation by half. The ETCB asks to set aside more time for crossing the border.

    • For a traveller crossing the border on foot, full customs control means the inspection and examination of the traveller and the luggage he or she carries. If the passenger crosses the border by car, the mean of transport and the goods inside are also checked.
    • Passengers travelling by regular buses are also asked to step out of the bus with their luggage and undergo pedestrian customs checks.
    • Control of goods means checking the correctness of the booking of the truck, scanning the truck, opening the doors of the cargo area and control. 

    “We ask all people going to the Russian Federation to make sure that the goods they carry are not subject to sanctions and to plan twice as much time for crossing the border as usual. We have informed customs cooperation partners of the change,” Linno added.

    “Estonian customs, which has used the risk-based method until now, is already known among carriers as one of the strictest, but with the addition of sanctions packages, attempts to circumvent sanctions are also becoming more frequent. Last year, customs control detected more than 5000 violations. Furthermore, every hour we send back a few people to whom we have issued a warning for violating sanctions from the Narva customs office,” Linno said. “Intentional violation of sanctions is a crime and will be followed by criminal proceedings conducted by Estonian Internal Security Service and the proceedings are led by the Prosecutor’s Office.”

    The introduction of full customs control in the outbound direction is based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of 4 July, which stems from the increasing number of attempts to circumvent sanctions and the risk assessment of the ETCB.

  • TRAVEL INFO: Masina street construction works

    From 09.08.2024, Masina street next to Tallinn Bus Station will be closed for construction works. The street construction works will last until the end of October.

    We apologize for any inconvenience!

  • TRAVEL INFO: Filming at Tallinn Bus Station

    On 06.08.2024 from 17:30 to 21:00, filming will take place on the waiting platforms of Tallinn Bus Station.

    Stay vigilant if you don’t want to be caught on camera.

    We apologize for any inconvenience!

  • CULTURE: Funkfest afterparty at Rakvere Bus Station

    Rakvere Funkfest will take place on Saturday, July 20 at Rakvere Vallimäe, where domestic artists such as Haldi & ans FlamingoArg Part ja The Teps will perform. ALIKA, Norman Salumäe and MARTA LOTTA sing Michael Jackson’s best-known hits in the traditional special project band. Liis Lemsalu will also perform at the festival with the band, who has specially set her repertoire to funk rhythms.

    Funkfest’s after-party is completely extraordinary this time and will take place at Rakvere Bus Station. The bus station becomes a club for one night only. Separate tickets are not sold there, you can enter only with the Rakvere Funkfest ticket.

    The founder of Funkfest, Johannes Pihlak, reasoned that in addition to the main program, freshness must also be kept in the follow-up program. “Turning a bus station into a night club – you can’t say it’s my childhood dream. But it seemed like an interesting idea as soon as we thought about possible locations for the after party,” explained Pihlak.

    Kadriann Raud, communications manager of the T group that manages the bus station, said that musical experiences and spectacular festivals have been offered in bus stations before. “All this makes staying at bus stations more pleasant and invites people to use public transport services more,” added Raud.

    Raud added that it is very welcome to give people the opportunity to look at the bus station from a different angle, and they immediately agreed to give the city people a place to party. Raud confirmed that no bus will miss a departure because of the party.

    Because of the party, however, there will be one more night departure from the bus station, because one of the buses set up for the festival to bring people from Tallinn and Tartu to the capital will depart from the place of the after-party at three o’clock in the morning.

    Read more about the Funkfest program and additional information at funkfest.ee!

  • CULTURE: Ennu Ratas and Museum Night at Tallinn Bus Station

    On 18.05.2024, a rare opportunity will open to experience the pleasant dance rhythms of Ennu Ratas at the Tallinn Bus Station. For one night, the bus station turns into a lively dance hall. The party doors open at 20:30 and the last dance lovers are asked to leave at 04:00.

    Ticket price according to conscience to the Tartu University Hospital Children’s Foundation donation box!

    As part of Musem Night, fun rides in retro buses can be done in the outdoor area of ​​Tallinn Bus Station between 20:00 and 23:00.

    Fun rides are FREE for everyone!

    → 21:00 – DJ RAUL RAJU
    → 22:00 – DJ VILLU KRAAN
    → 23:00 – ANSAMBEL LAINE
    → 23:45 – DJ IVAR MARTIN
    → 01:00 – NANCY
    → 01:45 – DJ VILLU KRAAN

    Indoor bar areas
    Wardrobe for outerwear
    ✓ Homemade burgers in the outdoor area
    Fun rides on retro buses

    Come! Dance! Ride!

  • CURRENT: Trustworthy company 2024

    T grupp OÜ – trustworthy company 2024

  • CULTURE: Opening of Mauri Gross’s painting at Tallinn Bus Station

    T grupp has offered diverse cultural experiences for travellers and visitors as part of «Culture walks at the bus station» – opened free travel libraries, brought art to bus stations through various exhibitions, offered musical experiences and spectacular festivals. This makes staying at bus stations more pleasant and encourages people to use public transport services more.

    Visitors of Tallinn Bus Station can now also enjoy a wonderful painting by the talented artist Mauri Gross “PÖÖRIPÄEV” on the wall of the waiting area. The official opening of the painting took place at Tallinn Bus Station on 22.11.2023 at 14:00.

    Mauri Gross is a valuable Estonian artist who graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts, majoring in stage design. He works mainly with oil painting but also works in the fields of graphic design and interior design.

    The painting “PÖÖRIPÄEV” is a large-format oil painting, completed in 2022–2023, measuring 2×2 m, consisting of 36 separately started and painted squares, which may not be noticed at first glance, but on closer inspection, you can see joints and not always overlapping lines or halftones. It is an intentional journey to understand the rhythms of nature and relate to the work through its name. It’s like going on a trip 36 times, picking up 36 memory pictures to merge them into a whole. Cheers to the solstice, of which there are exactly 4 each year!

    Read more from the new portal Postimees! (The article is in Estonian.)

    Mauri Gross "PÖÖRIPÄEV"
    “PÖÖRIPÄEV” by Mauri Gross decorating the waiting area of Tallinna Bus Station.
    Photo by: Taavi Sepp / Postimees

  • CHARITY: Together we do good – Children’s Foundation

    Bus stations and Cargobus help the Children’s Foundation collect donations to support ill children.

    From November 2023, donation boxes of the Tartu University Hospital Children’s Foundation will be waiting for donations in the waiting area of Tallinn and Tartu bus stations.

    In addition, you can buy Children’s Foundation reflectors and Christmas cards at the Tallinn, Tartu, Narva Fama, Rakvere and Jõhvi bus stations and at the Cargobus terminals in Tallinn, Pärnu, Kuressaare, Võru and Haapsalu.

    Children’s Foundation products for sale:
    “Pesakond” cartoon reflector – €2
    Christmas card “Talvetrall” – €3

    With every donation and purchase, you help save children’s lives.

    Read more about the Children’s Foundation from the website lastefond.ee!

    CEO Airika Aruksaar and Children's Foundation donation box at bus stationsBus Station CEO, Airika Aruksaar, with the new Children’s Foundation donation box.
    Photo by: Kadriann Raud

  • CURRENT: The former head of the Tallinn Transport Department joins T grupp OÜ

    On 18.09.2023, Andres Harjo, who previously headed the Tallinn Transport Department for 17 years, joined T grupp OÜ, which offers public mobility services, as the manager of the business direction of bus stations. This spring, the long-time leading official of the city’s transport sector announced his decision to leave his current position, and his last day of work in the public sector was 14.08.2023.

    T grupp OÜ CEO Airika Aruksaar said that Harjo’s extensive knowledge and experience in traffic management and public transport networks is a solid addition to the T grupp OÜ team, which operates bus stations in Tallinn, Tartu, Rakvere and Jõhvi. “At the end of August, when we first discussed possible employment, it was clear that our visions match and we see the concept of attractive and efficient bus station services similarly. We believe that with the help of Andres Harjo, we can increase the comfort for passengers in all bus stations managed by T grupp OÜ and further expand the network,” explained Aruksaar.

    Harjo said that his long experience in the public sector helped him to understand that solutions for more efficient mobility are created in cooperation between the public and private sectors. “In reality, public sector plans are mostly implemented by private companies – so it is critical that the cooperation between the local government, the state and private companies is effective and trustworthy. Often, however, the various parties tend to disagree, so one of the first tasks is definitely to develop cooperation with the public sector. This is the only way to develop attractive mobility solutions for passengers,” said Harjo.

    T grupp OÜ belongs to Mootor Grupp AS and operates in the integration and development of public transport infrastructure on the following platforms: Cargobus – parcel delivery in buses, Tpilet – long-distance bus ticket sales platform and Bussijaam – operating a network of bus stations.

    Read more from the news portal Postimees! (The article is in Estonian.)

  • CULTURE: The Estonian Road Museum opened an exhibition at Tallinn, Tartu and Rakvere bus stations

    On 04.07.2023, the Estonian Road Museum opened an exhibition of Toomas Kalve’s photo series “Lauljad nüüd lähevad” on the waiting platforms of Tallinn, Tartu and Rakvere bus stations.

    The photo series was originally prepared for the 2019 Song Celebration. From the photos, you can see how the Song celebration was reached in the past and today, and the accompanying texts offer exciting reading.

    We invite everyone to see our newly opened exhibition, which is open until 31.10.2023!

  • TRAVEL INFO: Tallinn Bus Station canopy repair works

    05.06.2023 the repair works of the canopies of the waiting platforms at Tallinn Bus Station will begin. The work should be completed by mid-July.

    The work will start from the Cargobus side and move by 2–3 waiting platforms until the last platform No. 12. The work area will be fenced, so it is possible that the bus, approaching the waiting platform, has to stop approx. 1 m ahead of the platform. 

    During the repair works, the travel information will not be displayed on the electronic boards. However, the numbers of the platforms remain the same.

    We apologize for any inconvenience!

  • CULTURE: Hungarians on wheels – Ikarus buses in Estonia

    The Tallinn Liszt Institute – Hungarian Culture Centre and the Hungarian Museum of Science, Technology and Transport, in cooperation with Tallinn Bus Station, opened a joint exhibition “Hungarians on Wheels – Ikarus Buses in Estonia”, which takes a look at the relations between Estonian and Hungarian transport history on Ikarus buses.

    The exhibition was opened on 02.06.2023 as part of the Retrobus Festival at Tallinn Bus Station’s waiting platforms and can be visited until June next year.

    The first Ikarus buses arrived in Tallinn in 1956. Soon, Ikarus made up two-thirds of the buses driving around Tallinn. Ikarus, which played an important role in Estonian transport history, was represented in Estonia over time with various models.

    The exhibition provides an overview of how the connection between Tallinn and Ikarus was established and how the Hungarian buses arrived in the Estonian capital. The exhibition takes us to the birth story of Ikarus, and introduces its legendary models, among them probably the most beautiful bus of all time, the Ikarus 55/66. The exhibition also talks about why the Ikarus 200 series became the most-produced bus in the world. The exhibition also summarizes the relations between the Hungarian factory and the Estonian capital. It takes a look at, among other things, such fun moments when the event was celebrated when an Estonian bus driver completed a million kilometres behind the wheel of a particular Ikarus.

    Hungarians on wheels – Ikarus buses in Estonia

    Exhibition opening on the waiting platforms of Tallinn Bus Station.
    Photo by: Teele Toova / Postimees

  • CURRENT: Estonians believe in buses

    The bus has become an integral means of transport. In a sparsely populated country, it has ensured and will continue to ensure a more convenient and faster arrival. The bus is a way of public transport, even a lifestyle.

    Today, parcels and other shipments move by bus. You step into the Cargobus, put the parcel on the way, and after a few hours, it arrives. Transporting goods on highways with trucks is now a thing of the past. Today, a community has emerged: buses, parcels and people. A parcel intended for an acquaintance or a neighbour can move with you. This is also caused by a changing life.

    We are increasingly talking about a greener footprint. New buses are economical and do not emit as much CO2 as cars. One bus replaces about 40 cars! The fewer four-wheelers that have an impact on the environment, the cleaner the air. It’s been a long time since there have been buses that toss and make noise on the roads. The new vehicles meet stricter Euro requirements. Buses have now Euro 6 engines, which can be used in any European capital. Manufacturers invest more and more in buses.

    Today’s reality is carbon-free travel, you pay twenty cents more for the ticket, but you know that your money will plant new trees along the roads and build green areas. Travelling by bus creates positive emotions, and new meeting opportunities and allows you to become a part of the culture with the help of multimedia centres located in the cabin.

    Over a century, our bus fleet has changed beyond recognition. In 1922, the first route permits were issued in Tallinn, and in the parlance of the time, you could travel by bus. The first long-distance line was opened. Engineer Julius Vambola first tested the 25-seater Horsch bus between Tallinn and Pärnu. The trip lasted nearly six hours. The ride was expensive. A one-way ticket cost 1000 marks at that time, which was a quarter of a simple worker’s monthly salary. The road conditions were quite bad, the wooden bridges were in a bad state, where the wheels sank through the logs. In 1923, the then Ministry of Roads established a speed limit of 35 km/h for buses on the highway, on bridges and bends the driver had to reduce the speed to 10 km/h. Line permits were issued for a year, and if there was a desire to continue, a new application had to be submitted. In 1929, the Tallinn-Pärnu line passed into the hands of entrepreneur Karl Siitan, the latter introduced modern Renault buses. In the second half of the 1930s, Mootor was the largest bus company in pre-war Estonia. The company managed the lines in and around Tallinn. Also a long-distance line to Pärnu. The engine brought a new quality to the bus industry: drivers were dressed in uniform, and attention was paid to service. There were two drivers in the bus at the same time, one turned the steering wheel and the other handled the passengers’ luggage. Passengers were greeted at the door by a conductor who sold tickets. In 1930, goods were transported by buses in Estonia.

    In the post-war period, people wanted to move more. They were driven in truck boxes, which were covered by a tarpaulin. These were staff buses captured by the German army. The latter were brought to Estonia from Köningsberg. We also went to the Tallinn song festival with boxcars.

    The beginning of the 1950s brought a big change. The first ZIS 127 buses made in Moscow arrived in Estonia. The cabin had high seats with a lowering backrest, luggage could be placed in a separate room. Above each pair of seats was a lamp for reading, in addition, ventilation windows could be opened. Such buses travelled from Tallinn to Riga, Leningrad, Minsk and Tartu.

    In 1956, the first Hungarian-made Ikarus reached us. They had an eye-catching appearance, soft seats inside and panoramic windows in the ceiling. Buses were used both for tourist trips and on suburban routes. For the first time, the cabin was warm in winter, as the heat from the engine was directed under the seats. Soon even more comfortable means of transport arrived in our country, and these Hungarian buses were already called Ikarus Lux. It was the most luxurious intercity bus of its time. Originally, there were a couple of seats for travel attendants and a refrigerator in the back of the cabin. Snacks and drinks were served during the ride. Some consumed more than necessary and drove past their stop. Passenger seats later replaced the refrigerator and the attendant’s seats.

    In the spring of 1971, 11 Ikarus 250 buses arrived at the Kopli freight station. People called them «aquariums» because of their large windows. The cabin had places to place hand luggage, a spotlight overhead, an air conditioner inside, and a wardrobe and a refrigerator in the back. In Estonia, they moved mainly on the Pärnu and Tartu lines. Also went to Leningrad, Riga and Vilnius. These buses were used by Intourist to transport foreign tourists. In the 1970s, new modifications of Ikarus arrived in Estonia. The bus became an inseparable companion for our travels.

    Re-independence brought buses of Western origin to our roads. Lines to Germany were opened from Tallinn, and Volvos, Scanias and Setras drove there. In the 1990s and after the turn of the century, Mootor international trips took people from Tallinn to several cities in Germany.

    Today, the most modern buses of the Baltic region are plying the roads of Estonia. These are Scania Irizar i8 buses operating under the Lux Express brand. Modern salons have multimedia centres and the Internet. Relax seats make you feel like you are in business class on an aeroplane. You sleep, drink coffee and watch a movie, answer e-mails. You can even participate in a web conference while travelling by bus.

    Considering our climate, bus transport has a future. There may be new trains, but nobody stands up on the bus. In addition, buying a bus ticket is extremely convenient. With a few clicks, it is possible to get a bus ticket with the Tpilet application. Bus stations are pleasant and clean. They are often places where people interact and meet. While in many countries the bus stations are dreary, we have eye-catching ones. Opened in 1965, Tallinn Bus Station is today a cultural gateway to the capital and the country. The cleanliness and visitor-friendliness here are ahead of most airports.

    The article with pictures can be seen on the news portal Postimees! (The article is in Estonian.)

  • CULTURE: The substation in front of the Tallinn Bus Station got a new life

    The substation in front of the Tallinn Bus Station received a new lease of life and welcomes arriving visitors with beautiful paintings of retro buses.

    The substation is decorated with historical buses such as Ikarus 55-14 Lux, Ikarus 255, ZIS 127, Volvo B14 Autokori, TA 6-1 and Setra S6.

    We thank the artists Vahur Agar and Helena Hanni for their beautiful work!

    Watch the birth story of the project in the video or read more from the news portal ERR! (The video and article are in Estonian.)

  • CULTURE: Retrobus festival at Tallinn Bus Station

    Bussijaam, Tpilet and Cargobus invite everyone to the RETROBUS FESTIVAL AT TALLINN BUS STATION!

    The festival will take place on 02.06.2023, starting at 18:00. The festival is FREE for everyone!

    The sub-theme of this year’s festival is Ikarus buses.

    Smilers‘ rooftop concert in extended composition and music by DJ Margus Kaukes.
    Jooker cocktail bar, Kooker pancake cart and Maitsev Haapsalu cotton candy counter.
    ✓ Fun rides with retro buses throughout the festival.
    ✓ A large exhibition of retro buses. 17 buses from different decades can be seen. Buses are exhibited by Timeless Buses, Mäkelän Liikenne Oy and The Finnish Historical Omnibus Society and Tallinna Linnatransport.
    ✓ Exhibition about Ikarus buses on the waiting platforms in collaboration with the Liszt Institute, the Embassy of Hungary and the Hungarian Museum of Science, Technology and Transport.
    ✓ Exhibition about travel and movement on the windows of the waiting area in collaboration with the Art Museum of Estonia.

    18:00–19:30 – Music by DJ Margus Kaukes.
    19:30–21:00 – Smilers’ rooftop concert in extended composition.
    21:00–21:30 – Music by DJ Margus Kaukes.
    Throughout the day, you can take fun rides with retro buses, enjoy the delights of the food street and explore various exhibitions.

    Retrobus festival at Tallinn Bus Station position plan

    Information about the festival and a video of the beautiful Ikarus Lux, which is one of the seventeen buses that will take everyone on a nostalgic ride at the Retrobus festival at Tallinn Bus Station on June 2, can be viewed HERE!

  • CULTURE: Museum Night at Tallinn Bus Station

    20.05.2023, starting at 20:00, there will be a Museum Night at Tallinn Bus Station.

    As part of the museum night program, historical buses will make small tours of Tallinn in the evening for visitors. Some buses circle at full speed, some make a timid circle and some hiss on the spot. The start and end of the tours are at the Tallinn Bus Station.

    Read more about the Museum Night program HERE!

  • CHARITY: AED training at Tartu Bus Station

    On 04.05.2023, from 15:00–17:00, there will be a free AED training for bus station visitors in the waiting area of Tartu Bus Station.

    An AED is a lightweight and portable life-saving device, used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. Such devices are in both public and private spaces, as well as, for example, in Tartu Bus Station.

    Students and employees of Tartu Health Care College will conduct a survey of residents’ awareness of the AED device and also teach them how to use it correctly at the Tartu Bus Station.

    Be there because AED saves life!

  • TRAVEL INFO: Issues with Tpilet’s online environments have been resolved

    We are happy to announce that buying bus tickets on the Tpilet website has been fully restored.

    Bus tickets can also be purchased from the Tpilet mobile application, Tpilet ticket vending machines, bus stations ticket offices, Cargobus terminals or from the bus driver.

    We wish you a pleasant bus journey!

  • TRAVEL INFO: Temporary issues with Tpilet’s online environments

    There may occur temporary issues when buying bus tickets from Tpilet’s online environment.

    Until the final solution to the problem, you can get information about bus departures and their occupancy from the short number 12550 or +372 681 3408.

    Bus tickets can be bought at bus station ticket offices or from the bus driver. 

    We apologize for any possible inconvenience!

  • TRAVEL INFO: Arrivals and departures at Tartu Bus Station are disturbed

    On 25.04.2023 from 15:00–23:00, asphalting works will take place in the courtyard area of ​​Tasku Center and Tartu Bus Station.

    Buses depart from platforms 3–11 on the street side of the bus station. Buses arrive at the Väike-Turu Street city line stop.

    We apologize for any inconvenience!

    Tartu Bussijaama asfalteerimistöö

  • TRAVEL INFO: Tallinn Bus Station canopy repair works

    On 24.04.2023 the repair works of Tallinn Bus Station canopies will begin and will last for two weeks. Passengers’ access to the platforms may be blocked. 

    We apologize for any inconvenience! 

  • CULTURE: Jazzkaar at Tallinn and Tartu bus stations

    Jazzkaar urban project will surprise bus passengers on the waiting platforms of Tallinn and Tartu bus stations.

    The Jazzkaar urban project aims to bring music from traditional concert halls to slightly unusual places, introduce jazz music and, above all, delight the audience. Several talented young musicians will take part in the exciting performances. In addition to Tallinn, the urban project will reach Tartu, Viljandi and Pärnu.

    Jazzkaar urban project at Tallinn Bus Station:
    28.04.2023 at 16:30–17:00

    Jazzkaar urban project at Tartu Bus Station:
    19.04.2023 at 15:00–15:30

    Come and enjoy wonderful music at our bus stations!

  • TRAVEL INFO: Changes in tram traffic

    From 17.04.2023 there will be changes in tram traffic, in connection with the construction works of the Vanasadama tram line, which also affects the tram connections with Tallinn Bus station.

    Tramlines number 2 and 4 stopping at the Tallinn Bus Station will be replaced by bus number 52.

    17.04.2023–31.05.2023 the tram lines will be stopped:

    • 2 Kopli <<>> Suur-Paala
    • 4 Tondi <<>> Lennujaam

    17.04.2023–31.05.2023 the bus line will be temporarily opened:

    • 52 Ülemiste jaam <<>> Lennujaam

    Read more about the tram traffic changes HERE!

    Changes in tram traffic

  • CULTURE: Mobile library Katarina Jee donated books to the Tallinn Bus Station

    On 03.04.2023, the Tallinn Central Library’s mobile library Katarina Jee donated children’s books to the travel library of Tallinn Bus Station.

    The Tallinn Central Library donated books to travel libraries on the occasion of International Children’s Book Day and wants to emphasize the importance of reading in the multifaceted development of children and contribute to the availability of children’s books.

    Watch the interviews with the parties involved and with Kadriann Raud, T grupp OÜ marketing and communications manager or read more from the news portal Postimees! (The video and article are in Estonian.)

  • CHARITY: Together we do good – “Anname au!”

    Bus stations and Cargobus terminals help collect donations to support the charity campaign “Anname au!”, carried out by the NGO Estonian Society of Wounded Fighters and the Estonian Women’s Voluntary Defence Organization.

    From 01.04.2023 to 30.04.2023 you can buy “Anname au!” liverleaf badges and wristbands for donations at Tallinn, Tartu, Narva Fama, Rakvere and Jõhvi bus stations. In addition, at Cargobus terminals in Tallinn, Pärnu, Kuressaare, Võru and Haapsalu.

    “Anname au!” products for sale:
    Braided wristband with liverleaf – €7
     Silicone wristband – €2
    Felt liverleaf – €2

    By wearing the liverleaf badge you support and recognize all veterans of the Estonian Defence Forces and the Estonian Defence League and their loved ones.

    Read more about the charity campaign “Anname au!” from the website annameau.ee! (The link is in Estonian.)

    Anname au!

  • CHARITY: Together we do good – NULA 2023

    NULA is Estonia’s only incubator for social initiatives.

    NULA incubator is born to help smartly solve social problems, to provide answers and solutions to the question “What is wrong with the picture?”

    If you have an idea for a solution to a critical societal problem – NULA gives you the necessary knowledge and advice from expert mentors on how to grow a viable solution from an idea.

    The three best solutions, which will go through a half-year incubator, can obtain a start-up capital of up to 25 000 euros issued by the National Foundation of Civil Society.

    T grupp OÜ also contributes to this powerful initiative. On the screens of the bus stations we manage in Tallinn, Tartu, Rakvere and Jõhvi, and Cargobus terminals, NULA video clips will start running this month, and posters with calls will appear on the walls for all people with ambitious solutions to let their ideas go and contribute to improving life in Estonia.

    Take the bull by the horns and send your idea between 28.02.2023–31.03.2023 to NULA HERE! (The link is in Estonian.)

  • CURRENT: Trustworthy company 2023

  • CURRENT: From shaking in the truck box to a safe and pleasant journey

    By bus from one city to another – at first glance, it seems so simple and dispassionate! However, the reality is many times more meaningful and serious work has been done for a long time. Long gone are the days when bus travel was just transportation in its simplest form. Travelling by bus brings culture, the opportunity to meet fellow people, economy and positive emotions to passengers.

    The travel possibilities within Estonia a century ago and the vision of a person as a part of it probably seem both funny and simply unbelievable to most of us now. The limited possibilities of movement from one place to another are of course a well-known fact, which is still being dealt with and which can be compared to the city of Tallinn or the country of Estonia – something that can always be improved. However, the increase in the number of people who prefer to travel by bus is a clear sign that most of the work has already been done by now.

    However, many people probably do not know that the first “buses” created for wider use in the 1920s were essentially trucks that went through a welding shed, the longest route of which was not from Tallinn to Tartu at all, but a bit shorter. Why? Keywords include capability, comfort and safety. Now it seems absurd that the brakes of the ZIS buses designed in 1956 were not proper. Based on this, it is no wonder that the passenger was seen only as an object of cargo and nothing more. The realisation that a person must feel well during the entire bus ride, and that travelling by bus can be both an economic and cultural activity, kept waiting for many decades. The same goes for the routes and infrastructure created for the needs of Estonians. LAZ with the old sad look and smell of fuel and from the circus of Ikarus buses, we have jumped into the age of entertainment centres on wheels.

    Overcoming difficulties has always been facilitated by an important fact: the bus is the only vehicle for moving large groups that can be taken exactly where people need it – no rails, power lines or runways. The flexibility inherent in the bus service and the scattered population of Estonia work well for each other and have shaped the habits of Estonians to prefer bus travel. Bus travel can adapt to people’s needs as optimally as possible, and many services functioned in a substantive sense long before they were officially formulated, of which Cargobus is a very good example.

    From where, where and how? As the experience of both Estonia and our neighbouring countries shows, the clarity of routes, transfers and the ticket system, as well as the proximity of bus stations to the city centre and the additional benefits offered, affect the speed of passengers’ bus travel. A bus should not be just a transport and a bus station just a dreary place for waiting with uncomfortable benches – fortunately, no one questions these views any more. Tallinn Bus Station, completed in 1965, is a pleasant place for both the beginning and the end of a trip. For many foreign specialists in the field, the cleanliness of Tallinn Bus Station is an attraction itself.

    According to surveys, about 70% of passengers come to the Tallinn Bus Station up to 60 minutes before the trip and not just for every occasion, but with a much clearer purpose – who wants to strengthen their body before the trip, who wants to do a little work. In short: beautiful and comfortable buses and bus stations attract people to travel.

    Lux Express buses have been a big and important, but not the only, breakthrough in this regard. It is not unusual that a driver driving from one end of Estonia to the other gets the feeling after ten minutes of driving behind a luxurious bus that he could instead enjoy the ride in the comfortable seat of this bus and perhaps also work or read a book at the same time. Estonia can rightly be proud because, in many countries, buses that are only available by exclusive special order are a daily reality for all people in Maarjamaa and a very reasonable amount. 

    Bus driving is an important form of public transportation, which T grupp OÜ acts as an important engine for keeping alive and comprehensively developing. Changing attitudes and habits in society may seem long and difficult at first, but by now, riding the bus is not a shame for anyone, regardless of status and income. In addition to personal comfort and benefit, a responsible person also thinks about the ecological footprint. This is not only a popular way of thinking but has major environmental and ethical implications. If earlier it was assumed that a colleague who came to a meeting in another city by bus had a broken car, now in the opposite situation they are asked quite often: “Why by car and not by bus?”

    Facts from history:

    •  In 1922, the first five bus lines were opened, which began to transport people on a regular schedule.
    • Before the Second World War, buses from Western European and American manufacturers were procured in Estonia, which was built and put together here.
    • In 1956, the ZIS 127 (ZIS stands for Zavod imeni Stalina) and Ikarus 55 buses came on intercity trips, which, according to the authorities, were supposed to represent the great achievement of the Soviet Union, but were real Russian miracles.
    • In 1959, the long-distance bus station in Tallinn was moved to its current location, and in 1965, the current building was opened there, which was renovated in 2012. In its current location, the bus station has been typical and familiar for almost three generations.
    • As aviation developed in the early 2000s, a situation arose where a poor Estonian no longer bothered to travel to Sakamaa by bus. Therefore, Lux Express launched buses equipped with entertainment centres for distances up to 500 km. The time required is the same as flying, but buses are more convenient, they move from the city centre to the city centre, there you can use the Internet, watch movies and play games. Also, travelling by bus is safer and cheaper than travelling by own car.

    Read the article from the news portal Delfi! (The article is in Estonian.)

    Irizar i8 & Ikarus 255
    Irizar i8 versus Ikarus 255 – today’s long-distance line versus the long-distance line of the past in Estonia.
    Author: Sergei Zjuganov

  • TRAVEL INFO: Renovation works of Tartu Bus Station toilets

    From 16.01.2023, repair work will take place in the toilets of Tartu Bus Station, which will last approximately 3–4 weeks. Toilets cannot be used during this time. The nearest toilet is located in Tasku keskus.

    We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

  • CULTURE: The Art Museum of Estonia opened a new exhibition at Tallinn Bus Station

    The new exhibition of the Art Museum of Estonia at the Tallinn Bus Station looks at travel and movement. On the windows of the bus station, you can see works from the collection of the Art Museum of Estonia by Estonian artists who have depicted travelling and reflected on being on the road.

    The exhibition on the windows of Tallinn Bus Station is opened by Erna von Brinckmann’s humorous cartoon-like scenes from the album “Memories from a Summer Hike in 1936”, which were created as a gift from the author to her artist friend Oskar Sädek, depict their joint summer trips mainly to Eastern and South-Eastern Estonia.

    On the windows of the waiting area, you can see works by such artists as Jaan Elken, Jüri Arrak, Lydia Mei, Märt Bormeister, Aleksander Peek, Eduard Ole and Tiit Pääsuke as repro stickers. Each piece has an accompanying short story.

    We invite everyone to see our newly opened exhibition, with which we wish the beautiful new year 2023, which has also been announced as Be Active Year.

    Read more from the news portal ERR! (The article is in Estonian.)

    Jaan Elken "Väike-Õismäe"
    Jaan Elken’s “Väike-Õismäe” is one of the reproductions displayed at the Tallinn Bus Station exhibition.
    Author: Art Museum of Estonia

  • CULTURE: Vene Teater at Tallinn Bus Station

    On 20.12.2022 at 12:00, the beloved actors of the Vene Teater, Jekaterina Kordas and Aleksandr Žilenko, will create a festive mood at the Tallinn Bus Station with their musical program.

    The musical performance will take place within the framework of «Vene Teater in the City» and «Culture Walks at the Bus Station».

    Everyone is invited to enjoy beautiful music at Tallinn Bus Station for free!

    See more from the news portal ERR! (The article is in Russian.)

    Vene Teater at Tallinn Bus Station

  • CURRENT: The Estonian Social Insurance Board acknowledges T grupp for its cooperation

    On 15.12.2022, the Estonian Social Insurance Board’s recognition event took place, where T grupp was also acknowledged for its contribution to the organization of the reception of Ukrainian war refugees.

    The war in Ukraine brought us many refugees who needed a lot of help and support. Tallinn Bus Station was a place where both refugees in transit and those in need of help who stayed in Estonia arrived every day. Unfortunately, in the beginning, the refugees did not have the opportunity to get the necessary information and support from the state.

    In cooperation with the Estonian Social Insurance Board, an information point for Ukrainian war refugees was opened at the Tallinn Bus Station, where the refugees received the necessary information and support, as well as a temporary overnight stay at the bus station and transportation to the gathering points of the respective city.

    Read more about cooperation HERE!

  • TRAVEL INFO: Buses may be delayed due to the storm


    Due to difficult weather conditions and storm, buses may be delayed, or departures may be cancelled.

    We apologize for any inconvenience and wish everyone a safe journey!

    Bus departure schedules can be found on the website Tpilet.ee.

  • CURRENT: Tallinn Bus Station wants to initiate a special state plan

    Tallinn Bus Station operator T grupp turned to the Ministry of Finance seeking a state special plan that could be used to decide whether the bus station will remain where it is and whether the current buses parking lot on Juhkentali 48, owned by a real estate developer Liven Kodu 17 OÜ, could be reserved for buses in the future.

    T grupp finds that both the central and municipal governments should intervene. Estonia should lay down the bus station area with a special plan, while Tallinn should suspend the process of changing the parking area’s intended purpose and the entire detailed plan. The operation of Tallinn Bus Station is a clear national interest, which is grounds for a state special plan that could be used to map out everyone’s interests.

    In the appeal of the law firm representing T grupp to the Ministry of Finance, they were asked to initiate the exact location of the Tallinn Bus Station and state planning for the construction of the necessary infrastructure. The inability to park buses on the Juhkentali 48 area and buses consequently getting stuck in Tallinn traffic will make it objectively impossible to continue operating long-distance and county lines.

    “Every bus operator has been in charge of finding parking since the area has been off limits for the purpose, and while temporary solutions have been found, they are not sustainable and threaten the existence of the Tallinn Bus Station,” Airika Aruksaar, CEO of T grupp, told.

    Aruksaar said that she has seen various companies’ coaches parked in the parking areas of the Ülemiste and Sikupilli centres, Tartu maantee Circle K gas station and the Ülemiste City. Aruksaar remarked that should it be deemed unnecessary to resolve the situation, at least until a new location is found for the bus station, continuing to operate the station will become impossible.

    “Tallinn Bus Station has been at Lastekodu 46 since 1965. It is a habitual location for passengers, sits on the edge of the city centre and has good links to other city districts,” Aruksaar said, adding that the city of Tallinn has said as much.

    Tanel Kiik, Deputy Mayor of Tallinn said that the capital’s arm is not long enough to solve the problem, which would not exist in the first place if Estonia had not sold the bus station and its parking area to private owners.

    “Rather, operators have adjusted to the situation. The question, in the long run, is how much parking will be retained at the current bus station and how much will move to the Ülemiste terminal. Several interdependent decisions are needed here,” Kiik suggested.

    However, determining the parking lot area’s intended purpose is up to the City Government and Council.

    Read more from the news portal ERR!

    Tallinn Bus Station

  • TRAVEL INFO: The opening hours of the Tallinn Bus Station ticket office will change

    From 01.12.2022, the opening hours of the Tallinn Bus Station ticket office will change.

    Tallinn Bus Station ticket office is open:
    Mon–Fri 07:30–20:00
    Sat 08:00–20:00
    Sun 09:00–20:00

  • CURRENT: The possibility of parking buses in Tallinn Bus Station will disappear

    From the beginning of November, long-distance buses will no longer be able to park near the Tallinn Bus Station, since the owner of the plot plans to build an apartment block on the site. According to experts, the traffic around the bus station may become tense.

    Bus Station CEO Airika Aruksaar told, that there are no other parking options at the site and it will be down to bus operators how to handle the logistics. At the same time, a recent study by private sector engineering firm Stratum reported that heavier movement of large buses at several significant intersections close to the bus station, as well as on the nearby minor streets, where buses may also end up parking, may result in serious traffic jams.

    The management of the Bus Station tried to agree with the owners of the real estate developer Liven that the parking area on the Juhkentali 48 plot would be preserved until the city creates new opportunities for buses, and a three-month extension was obtained, but now it is over.

    According to Aruksaar, changing the traffic scheme and traffic light cycles would initially provide relief. Still, in the future, it would be necessary to reorganize all traffic around the bus station and also to build it out as soon as possible. She added that the Tallinn City Government could wait to approve Liven’s desired detailed plan.

    “Tallinn City Planning Department says that this place is not suitable for parking buses in terms of urban planning. But in this case, the traffic scheme should be changed so that the buses can be directed to park elsewhere. We are waiting for the Tallinn Transport Department to develop appropriate traffic management,” said Airika Aruksaar.

    Deputy Mayor of Tallinn Tanel Kiik explained that the city-run Tallinn Transport Department and the Tallinn City Planning Department have discussed the matter with the site owner, adding that “the city cannot conclude compromises on behalf of two private sector companies”.

    Read more from the news portal ERR!

    Bus Station CEO Airika Aruksaar
    Bus Station CEO Airika Aruksaar on the plot in question.
    Photo by: Tairo Lutter / Postimees

  • CURRENT: Reception of the Embassy of Hungary

    On 17.10.2022, a festive reception of the Embassy of Hungary took place in Viimsi Artium, which was also attended by representatives of our company.

    At the reception of the Embassy of Hungary, together with partners and friends, the Hungarian revolution and freedom struggle of 1956, as well as the proclamation of Hungary as a republic in 1989, were remembered. János Tischler, our cooperation partner from Liszt Institute, was also introduced as the new director of the institute. The wonderful Korinda Band band took the stage and performed gems of Hungarian folk music.

    Reception of the Embassy of Hungary
    Reception of the Embassy of Hungary in Viimsi Artium.
    Photo by: Embassy of Hungary

  • TRAVEL INFO: Issues with Tpilet’s online environments have been resolved

    We are happy to announce that buying bus tickets on the Tpilet website has been fully restored.

    Bus tickets can also be purchased from the Tpilet mobile application, Tpilet ticket vending machines, bus stations ticket offices, Cargobus terminals or from the bus driver.

    We wish you a pleasant bus journey!

  • TRAVEL INFO: Temporary issues with Tpilet’s online environments

    There may occur temporary issues when buying bus tickets from Tpilet’s online environments.

    Until the final solution to the problem, you can get information about bus departures and their occupancy from the short number 12550 or +372 681 3408.

    Bus tickets can be bought at bus station ticket offices or from the bus driver. Payment to bus drivers is mostly in cash.

    We apologize for any possible inconvenience!

  • CURRENT: The Estonian Transport Administration recognized the best operators of public transport

    On 30.09.2022, the Estonian Transport Administration celebratory conference “Kuhu liigud, Eesti ühistransport” took place, where the Estonian Transport Administration awarded recognitions in the field of public transport to companies and organizations that have excelled in the development of public transport.

    “With the recognition, we look back at what public transport has achieved in recent years and highlight those who are emerging from public transport organizers, companies, local governments and developers of innovative services,” explained Kati Tamtik, director of the Mobility Planning Department of the Estonian Transport Administration.

    T grupp received special recognition for the new public transport infrastructure category. T grupp is the gateway to several cities and received an award for the renovation of bus stations, for bringing culture to bus stations and for its contribution to the organization of Ukrainian refugee aid. In addition, T grupp was nominated for special recognition for the ticket or ticket sales system category.

    T grupp unites and develops mobility service brands: Bussijaam, Cargobus and Tpilet. Integrating these services creates synergy to ensure high-quality virtual and infrastructure mobility services for providers and users. T grupp deals with building and real estate management, renting business premises, organizing bus arrivals and departures, sharing bus information, physical and virtual ticket sales, luggage storage and parcel delivery in buses.

    T grupp increasingly sees itself as an advocate for mobility services.

    Read more from the website of Estonian Transport Administration transpordiamet.ee! (The article is in Estonian.)

    Recipients of the public transport recognition of the Estonian Transport Administration in 2022
    Recipients of the public transport recognition of the Estonian Transport Administration in 2022.
    Photo by: Estonian Transport Administration

  • CULTURE: The Art Museum of Estonia updated the exhibition at Rakvere Bus Station

    In March 2022, the Art Museum of Estonia brought to the windows of Rakvere Bus Station an exhibition of reproductions of Virumaa-themed paintings with exciting background stories, which offered visitors the joy of recognition.

    In August, the Art Museum of Estonia updated a significant exhibition with even more engaging works, and now the windows of the Rakvere Bus Station’s waiting area are decorated with the following works:

    1. Richard Uuutma “Rannaküla vaade” 
    2. Roman Nyman  “Põhja-Eesti maastik” 
    3. Karl Otto Gerhard von Kügelgen the Younger “Kunstnik perekonnaga Vinni mõisas”
    4. Lepo Mikko “Pandivere kõrgustikult” 

    Read more about the exhibition HERE!

    Karl Otto Gerhard von Kügelgen the Younger “Kunstnik perekonnaga Vinni mõisas”
    Karl Otto Gerhard von Kügelgen the Younger “Kunstnik perekonnaga Vinni mõisas”
    is one of the new repro photos, that can be seen at the Rakvere Bus Station.
    Author: Art Museum of Estonia

  • CULTURE: T grupp celebrated a big jubilee party at four bus stations

    On 15.07.2022, T grupp OÜ celebrated the 30th jubilee of its brand Cargobus simultaneously at Tallinn, Tartu, Rakvere and Jõhvi bus stations.

    “Our jubilee, 30 years, also marks free movement in free Estonia. Bus lines connect the whole of Estonia, from villages to cities and beyond Estonia. We are the gateway for those arriving and leaving every city, and we are proud of the fact that we play such an important representative role,” said Airika Aruksaar, CEO of T grupp OÜ.

    Musical performances were offered by Anne Veski and Tanja Mihhailova-Saar in Tallinn, Synne Valtri in Tartu, Kõrsikud in Rakvere and Alika Milova band in Jõhvi. In addition, Tallinna Bussijaam offered the guests nostalgic fun rides with retro buses, a delicious food street and many other great surprises. A live broadcast of the jubilee party from all bus stations was streamed via Delfi TV.

    Thanks to the cooperation partners who contributed to the success of the party: Delfi, Estonian Art Museum, National Library of Estonia, Estonian Lines, Eesti Hoiuraamatukogu, ISIC, Jewe Center, Jooker, Kooker, Lux Express, Plus Catering, Timeless, Tradehouse, Vene Teater and WOW Events.

    Read more and see pictures from the news portal Postimees or a recording of the live broadcast from the news portal Delfi!

  • CULTURE: The Art Museum of Estonia brought Tartu-themed works on the windows of Tartu Bus Station

    From 13.08.2022, visitors of the Tartu Bus Station will be delighted with beautiful Tartu-themed works from the collection of the Art Museum of Estonia.

    The works are brought to the windows of Tartu Bus Station in the form of repro, which gives the opportunity to see the works in a different light. The display is complemented by short background stories that connect the works to Tartu.

    “Works from Estonian artists, whose close connection with Tartu is known, were selected for the exhibition. For example, Valve Janov, who formed the informal art group Tartu sõpruskond with like-minded people, and whose experimental work has also been called Karlova’s avant-garde. Karl Pärsimägi, a student of Pallas and because of his colourful style of painting, has also been called the Matisse of Tartu. The exhibition also includes not-so-well-known works by Eduard Wiiralt, Villem Ormisson, Linda Kits-Mägi, Villu Järmut and Enn Kärmas,” explained Piret Järvan, head of marketing and service at the Art Museum of Estonia.

    Tartu Bus Station, which has recently been renovated, is visited by 1.5-2 million people a year. “On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of T grupp OÜ, which manages Tartu Bus Station, we wanted to update the appearance of the bus station for visitors and offer a piece of the cultural experience while waiting for the bus. Since Tartu has been a university city as well as an art city, where the creative path of many Estonian artists has started and where the artistic life has been constantly boiling, we found that Estonian art could be the one that welcomes visitors in the waiting hall,” said Kadriann Raud, marketing and communication specialist of T grupp OÜ.

    Read more from the news portal ERR! (The article is in Estonian.)

    Villu Järmut & Enn KärmasThe exhibition of consumer graphics by Villu Järmut and Enn Kärmas at Tartu Art House
    is one of the images that can be seen in the reproduction at Tartu Bus Station.
    Photo by: Tartu Bus Station

  • CULTURE: Big jubilee party at four bus stations



    T grupp OÜ invites everyone to a big jubilee party on 15.07.2022, starting at 15.00! The jubilee party will occur simultaneously at Tallinn, Tartu, Rakvere and Jõhvi bus stations.

    T grupp OÜ operates Tallinn, Tartu, Rakvere and Jõhvi bus stations, manages the Tpilet.ee ticket sales and organises the Cargobus parcel delivery service. At the T grupp OÜ big jubilee party, we are celebrating Cargobus’ 30th year of operation and we would like to introduce our other brands and services more closely.

    NB! Live broadcasts of the jubilee party from all bus stations will be streamed via Delfi TV.









    Host → Tanja Mihhailova-Saar.
    Musical performances – Anne Veski, Tanja Mihhailova-Saar and DJ Margus Kaukes.
    Speakers → deputy mayor Andrei Novikov, owner Hugo Osula, Tõnu Piibur introduces retro buses and video greetings from our cooperation partners.
    Retro buses → FREE rides all day long. Find out more about the buses HERE!
    Lottery wheel → every spin wins! Awards by: Bussijaam, Cargobus, Tpilet, bus companies, Estonian Art Museum, Vene Teater, National Library of Estonia, Hoiuraamatukogu, ISIC, Jewe Center, Tradehouse and others.
    Food street → food trucks and cocktail bar.
    Live broadcast → to other bus stations via Delfi TV.



    Host → Kaarel Targo.
    Musical performance → Synne Valtri.
    Speaker → deputy mayor Priit Humal.
    Live broadcast → to other bus stations via Delfi TV.



    Host → Kaidu Tiirik.
    Musical performance → Kõrsikud.
    Speaker → deputy mayor Laur Kaljuvee.
    Birthday cake → FREE cake and drink for guests.
    Live broadcast → to other bus stations via Delfi TV.



    Host → Ronaldo Sildnik.
    Musical performance → Alika Milova bänd.
    Speaker → mayor Maris Toomel.
    Birthday cake → FREE cake and drink for guests.
    In addition → local surprises and lotteries.
    Live broadcast → to other bus stations via Delfi TV.

  • TRAVEL INFO: New service fees for bus tickets

    From 01.07.2022 new service fees will apply to bus tickets.

    From now on 55 cents service fee will be added to tickets purchased from Tpilet. In our bus stations and Cargobus ticket offices 25 cents service fee will be added.

    1 euro service fee will be still added to 0 € price tickets purchased from Tpilet. As an exception, service fee will be applied when buying senior 63+ and 7 to 19 y.o (incl.) passenger 0 € priced tickets from ticket offices to line 347 (Tartu-Pärnu).

    New rules for ticket sales can be found HERE.

  • TRAVEL INFO: Tartu Bus Station reconstruction

    At Tartu Bus Station, a two-month-long reconstruction will begin next Monday, on 16.05.2022 which will temporarily close the waiting area. Both ticket sales and Cargobus’ parcel delivery and courier service will move to temporary heated containers.

    Sven Saar, Real Estate Development Manager of Estiko Group, explained that the reconstruction works concern both the interior and exterior of the bus station. “The current ticket sales boxes will be demolished, which means that there will be more space for passengers in the waiting area,” Saar explained.

    In addition, the existing Cargobus service counter will be built larger and will move closer to the waiting area. “This could be a more convenient service for everyone because Cargobus’ premises are very small at the moment. But then there is the possibility to give packages and sell tickets from the same place,” Saar explained.

    As the waiting area is closed during the construction works, both ticket sales and Cargobus parcel delivery will take place from the temporary heated containers, which will remain on the side of the open market. However, access to the R-Kiosk and Caffeine cafe will remain open during the renovation. Buses leave from the usual platforms during the construction work.

    Tartu Bus Station heated containers location

    According to Sven Saar, all the necessary work will be done as soon as possible. “We desire to disrupt passengers’ lives as little as possible, which is why we do fieldwork in smaller stages, for example. All fences will be arranged so that it is possible to move on the sidewalks,” Saar explained.

    The construction project prepared by Rovin OÜ also envisaged the reconstruction of the facade adjacent to Soola Street, but according to Saare, it is currently being postponed. “We decided to reduce the construction volume of the fieldwork and focus primarily on the well-being of the bus station visitor,” said Saar.

    According to Airika Aruksaar, CEO of the Bus Station operator T grupp OÜ, Tartu will take the title of European Capital of Culture in 2024, and deserves a cultural and beautiful city gate to receive visitors.

    “We have brought cultural events to passengers at the bus stations operated by T grupp OÜ for the last few years: we show various pop-up exhibitions in cooperation with the Estonian Art Museum, we opened travel libraries in Tallinn, Rakvere, Jõhvi and soon Tartu and Haapsalu, we offer various experiences in cooperation with PÖFF, Fotografiska and Jazzkaar. After the renovation, we will achieve such a spatial environment at the bus station of Emajõelinn, which will also allow Tartu to be involved in our «Culture walks at the bus station» projects,” said Aruksaar.

    The reconstruction project of the bus station was prepared by Rovin OÜ, the construction works are performed by SVG projekt OÜ.

    Read more on the news portal Tartu Postimees! (The article is in Estonian.)

  • CULTURE: In the Year of Libraries, travel libraries will be opened at five Estonian bus stations

    Today, 11.05.2022 at 12:00, travel libraries will be opened at Tallinn Bus Station. For the theme year, bookshelves will be initially opened at Tallinn, Tartu, Rakvere and Jõhvi bus stations, from where passengers can take their favourite literature for a bus ride to read. Travel libraries will be supplied by the Estonian Repository Library.

    “This year’s library theme year is well suited to shift the concept and boundaries of libraries. Libraries are an important and immediate network with great opportunities,” said Minister of Culture Tiit Terik. “On the way, we tend to forget that instead of rushing, we can take time for ourselves, put our phone or computer away and relax while reading a book. Therefore, I encourage everyone to use the opportunities of travel libraries and spend the bus ride in the company of a good book,” added Terik.

    In connection with the Year of Libraries, travel libraries will be opened at Tallinn, Tartu, Rakvere and Jõhvi bus stations. Passengers can take books from bookshelves with them for free. Books do not have to be returned, but they can be left on the bookshelf of another bus station if it is there.

    Travel libraries will be provided by the Estonian Repository Library, which stores literature worth reading from other Estonian libraries, institutions and private persons.

    “Tallinn, Tartu, Rakvere and Jõhvi bus stations are one of the largest in Estonia. From about three to four million passengers pass through these bus stations every year,” said Hugo Osula, owner of T grupp OÜ. “So it is great to be able to bring reading to so many people together and make travelling even more enjoyable. I can already say, under the veil of secrecy, that the bookshelf will soon also reach passengers of Haapsalu,” Osula added.

    Bookshelves with a similar solution have previously been opened at Tallinn Airport, Valga Railway Station, Tori Bus Station, Are Bus Station and Pärnu Bus Station.

    The Year of Libraries was launched by the Ministry of Culture and is run by the Estonian National Library in cooperation with 870 libraries.

    Read more about the Year of Libraries from their website raamatukogudeaasta.ee!

  • CULTURE: Jazzkaar at Tallinn Bus Station

    Today, on 29.04.2022 at 16.00, a musical surprise from Jazzkaar awaits everyone on the waiting platforms at Tallinn Bus Station.

    Jazzkaar at Tallinn Bus Station

  • CURRENT: Ukrainian war refugees spending the night at Tallinn Bus Station are getting help

    The war in Ukraine has brought us many refugees who need a lot of help and support. However, Tallinn Bus Station is a place for Ukrainians in need from both Russia and the Baltics, most of the refugees are in transit, but there are also those who came to Estonia for a longer period. Temporary accommodation for war refugees in transit has not been arranged and they are forced to spend the night at the bus station.

    According to Airika Aruksaar, CEO of Tallinn Bus Station, the problem of accommodating refugees started to worsen when free bus lines were taken away, which took refugees from the Polish border directly to collection points.

    “Many refugees are not able to sleep on the floor of the bus station due to their age, and tonight the PPA was very active in transporting people to the accommodation facilities,” said Aruksaar.

    According to Indrek Aru, the head of the Internal Security Group at the Joint Staff of the Northern Region, mostly people have arrived from Russia who wants to pass through Estonia. “In most cases, they travel by bus and to Tallinn on their own to take the next bus and return to Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic or Ukraine, for example. In addition, there are people who want to travel by boat to Finland or Sweden. We have noticed that they need more support from the state, which is why we opened an information point at Tallinn Bus Station in cooperation with the Social Insurance Board, ”said Aru.

    According to Kert Valdaru, the head of the Social Protection of the Social Insurance Board, transport to the collection points of the respective city will be arranged in the morning for refugees who have arrived in Estonia at night. Today, 10 extra beds were brought to Tallinn Bus Station, creating an opportunity for refugees to spend the night in better conditions.

    In addition, Tallinn Bus Station, in cooperation with volunteers, has organized a place for food and drink, free toilets and the possibility to purchase bus tickets for refugees in transit, who are spending the night at the bus station, when the ticket offices, kiosks and café are closed.

    Read more from the news portal Delfi! (The article and video are in Estonian.)

  • CURRENT: Ukrainians arriving on night buses from Russia risk losing access to help

    The information is available at border crossings, but refugees arriving at Tallinn Bus Station late at night are at a loss, with some having burned through their savings. Volunteers have taken it upon themselves to inform people and help them buy food and drink after the day is done.

    Even though organized efforts to transport refugees to Estonia on buses have ended, the Tallinn Bus Station is seeing new refugees in transit and those aiming to stay in Estonia every day.

    More refugees than previously are arriving from Russia, also on night coaches, by which time information desks and kiosks selling water and essentials are closed. People arriving at night have nowhere to go for information or to make necessary purchases.

    Volunteers who found information about the refugees’ need for help on social media have helped the refugees get food and water from nearby 24-hour shops, buy tickets and find a place to stay. However, some refugees spend the night waiting for the next bus at the bus station.

    “We also know that people are told that refugee centres are in Tartu and Pärnu when they reach the border. What they don’t know is that Pärnu is just 30 minutes from the Ikla border crossing and miss their stop. It is absurd that the Tallinn Bus Station, as a logistical hub, has no information on ways of travelling abroad or inside Estonia,” Airika Aruksaar, CEO of T grupp OÜ, said.

    According to Aruksaar, the company has offered to create an information kiosk at the bus station, but government agencies have not responded.

    “In a situation where these people arrive in Tallinn and suddenly discover that they do need help, we should probably go over these border procedures. Should this become a recurring and massive issue, we will take another look at it next week, working with local governments,” Mari Tikerpuu, head of the Social Insurance Board’s emergency social protection group, said.

    Read more from the news portal ERR!

  • CULTURE: The Art Museum of Estonia brought Virumaa-themed works to the windows of Rakvere Bus Station

    From 19.03.2022, the reproductions of Virumaa-themed paintings with captivating background stories on the windows of the waiting area will bring the joy of recognition to the visitors of Rakvere Bus Station. The pop-up exhibition is part of the cooperation between the Art Museum of Estonia and the Bus Station.

    All the works in the repro exhibition are closely related to the history and significant places of Rakvere or Virumaa. For example works by Ado Vabbel from Tapa and Olga von der Pahlen from Palmse Manor, as well as many other interesting works.

    “Rakvere Bus Station, which also received an architecture award years ago, is a building with a large glass surface. The bus station is visited by up to about 1500 people a day, who are from Virumaa or who come here to go to the theatre and museums. In order to enliven such an environment, we gave the Art Museum a free hand to illustrate it creatively. We believe that the exhibition will take the breath of the people of Virumaa and we thank the Art Museum of Estonia, which has created a sufficiently airy and meaningful exhibition considering the needs of space and people,” commented Kadriann Raud, Marketing Manager of Tallinn Bus Station, on the role of the project for Rakvere.

    Piret Järvan, the head of the marketing and service department of the Art Museum of Estonia, hopes that the exhibition will broaden the knowledge of the people of Rakvere about art and connect it with the history of their homeland. “The Art Museum of Estonia is very pleased to surprise people at Rakvere Bus Station by offering them entertainment and moments of reflection, and perhaps also new knowledge about works of art that are related to Virumaa in one way or another. From a distance, the symbols of Virumaa are castles, theatres and market square. Paul Raud has portrayed three writers in the painting “Viru vanne” who swear an oath to dedicate themselves to Estonian culture and education on Rakvere Vallimäe. Who were they? If you don’t remember right away, you will definitely get an answer at the Bus Station,” noted Järvan.

    The aim of the cooperation between Tallinn Bus Station, which manages the Art Museum of Estonia and Rakvere Bus Station, is to offer passengers a little culture while waiting for a bus.

    Read more from the news portal Virumaa Teataja! (The article is in Estonian.)

    Kristjan Raud "Viru vanne"
    Kristjan Raud “Viru vanne” is one of the repro photos, that can be seen at the Rakvere Bus Station.
    Author: Art Museum of Estonia

  • TRAVEL INFO: International buses may be delayed


    International buses may be delayed due to queues at border crossing points.

    Please take this into consideration when planning your trips!

  • CHARITY: Together we do good – NULA

    NULA is Estonia’s only incubator for social initiatives.

    NULA incubator is born to help smartly solve social problems, to provide answers and solutions to the question “What is wrong with the picture?”

    If you have an idea for a solution to a critical societal problem – NULA gives you the necessary knowledge and advice from expert mentors on how to grow a viable solution from an idea.

    The three best solutions can obtain a start-up capital of up to 25 000 euros issued by the National Foundation of Civil Society.

    T grupp OÜ also contributed to this powerful initiative. On the screens of the bus stations we manage (in Tallinn, Tartu and Rakvere) and Cargobus terminals, NULA video clips and calls will start running this month for all people with ambitious solutions to let their ideas go and contribute to improving life in Estonia.

    Challenges and news about the initiative will also appear on the social media of Tallinn Bus Station, Tpilet and Cargobus.

    Take the bull by the horns and send your idea between 01.03.2022–01.04.2022 to NULA HERE! (The link is in Estonian.)

  • VISION: Tallinn Bus Station will have a modern electric transport connection

    Tallinn Bus Station plans to become the capital’s green transport gateway to move along with the whole world towards electric mobility. Modern electric transport infrastructure will be developed in the near future. Tallinn Bus Station also wishes to offer the possibility to use electric transport for long-distance routes.

    “We see that it should be possible to arrive here and move on with electric buses and cars. In the future, we are also familiarising ourselves with hydrogen technologies, because as the infrastructure we must support such technical development,” said Airika Aruksaar, CEO of T grupp OÜ.

    The detailed plan, which has already been started, is not only an electrical infrastructure but also a seven-storey building servicing a bus station. A parking garage for 228 vehicles will also be built and bus platforms will be added.

    “Usually, detailed plans of this size take about 7 years to build, we have already taken almost a year. We hope that we will be treated a little more favourably, because it is still a very important location for the city, and we can see that there is no better place for the bus station today at all,” added Airika Aruksaar.

    Read and listen more on the news portal Pealinn! (The article is in Estonian.)

  • VISION: Our new business name is T grupp OÜ

    We would like to inform you that on 16.02.2022 the business name of Cargobus OÜ changed. The new business name is T grupp OÜ.

    Since 01.07.2020, Cargobus OÜ has gradually combined and developed various mobility services:

    The integrated management of these services creates synergy to ensure a high-quality, secure, virtual and physical infrastructure for all providers and users of mobility services.

    The change of the business name helps to bring together our different brands more clearly and to express our development as a company.

    The change of the company’s business name does not affect other data. E-mail and website addresses, telephone numbers, registry code, address, bank accounts, etc. remain the same.

  • TRAVEL INFO: Renovation works of Tallinn Bus Station toilets

    From 18.10.2021 to 25.10.2021, repair work will take place in the toilets of Tallinn Bus Station. Toilets cannot be used during this time. Temporary outdoor toilets and a handwashing station are located on the waiting platforms of Tallinn Bus Station.

    We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

    Renovation works of Tallinn Bus Station toilets

  • TRAVEL INFO: Departures from Tallinn Bus Station are disturbed

    This morning, 15.10.2021, at around 10:50 a false bomb threat was made to Tallinn Bus Station. Bus departures were disrupted until 11:30.

    The situation has now been resolved and the police are working with the person who made the threat and finding out more detailed circumstances.

    We apologize to all the passengers who were at Tallinn Bus Station at that time and we hope that everyone arrived nicely on their buses.

  • TRAVEL INFO: Reduced working hours of the helpline

    The helpline 12250 operates exceptionally on 06.08.2021 from 08:00 to 16:30 and on 07.08.2021 the helpline is closed.

    Contact us by e-mail at info@bussijaam.ee and we will answer as soon as possible.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!

  • CULTURE: Landscape paintings on the windows of Tallinn Bus Station

    Starting 05.07.2021, the windows of Tallinn Bus Station will be decorated with landscape paintings from the expositions of the Art Museum of Estonia.

    On the viewing windows of the waiting room of Tallinn Bus Station, you can see paintings of Estonian landscapes from permanent exhibitions of the Art Museum of Estonia, Kadriorg Art Museum, Mikkeli Museum, Niguliste Museum and Adamson-Eric Museum.

    Most of the pieces of art are in their original sizes and placed on the windows as repro stickers. The sun-side windows of the waiting hall open the possibility of seeing the works in a new light.

    “The Art Museum of Estonia is organizing its second exhibition at our place, which we are hoping to use to make our waiting hall cosier for visitors. We hope that the landscapes that will decorate our windows will inspire visitors to such an extent that the art corner set up with the necessary tools will be used frequently” said Tallinn Bus Station marketing and communication specialist Kadriann Raud, adding that the aim is also to use art to create a dialogue with passengers.

    Piret Järvan, the marketing specialist of the Art Museum of Estonia, describes the collaboration, that will continue after the first exhibition of landscape painting inspired by Christian Ackermann’s work: “At the end of last year, Tallinn Bus Station made an interesting proposal to the Art Museum of Estonia for cooperation. At the beginning of the year waiting hall windows of Tallinn Bus Station were decorated with the art of Ackermann. This Summer it is replaced with landscape paintings. On longer and shorter bus rides, passengers can still admire beautiful landscapes, which have inspired many artists. We hope that with the exhibition at the bus station, visitors will be pleasantly surprised, and the original paintings will be viewed at the five branches of the Art Museum of Estonia.”

    Read more from the news portal ERR!

  • CURRENT: 50th anniversary of the Tallinn-Tartu bus line

    On July 1, 2021, 50 years passed since the launch of one of the most legendary Tallinn-Tartu express lines No. 724 in Estonia. To celebrate this, Tallinn Bus Station brought out the historic Ikarus 255 bus and the schedule of the very first working day to highlight the contrast of half a hundred years.

    Read more HERE!

    Ikarus 250
    The first Ikarus 250 by number in Ülemiste Park with bus driver Voldemar Piigli. It was one of the ten buses that arrived in Estonia in June 1971 and from which a separate brigade was created to serve the new Tartu express line 724.
    Photo by: bus driver Endel Pööbel

    Ikarus 255
    Re-production – completely restored Ikarus 255 in Tallinn Bus Station with bus driver Alar Kattai.
    Photo by: Sergei Zjuganov

    1971 Timetable
    Historical schedule of Tallinn Bus Park on July 1, 1971.

  • VISION: Tallinn Bus Station gets a new look

    The owners of Tallinn Bus Station are planning to redesign the terminal for electric buses and want to build a seven-storey building housing a car park and commercial premises.

    Read more from the news portal ERR!

    A design for the new Tallinn Bus Station
    A design for the new bus station.
    Source: HG Arhitektuur

  • TRAVEL INFO: Tartu Bus Station road repair

    From 06.05.2021, repair works will be started on Soola Street at the request of the Tartu City Government. Therefore, some platforms will be closed at Tartu Bus Station and redirected to other platforms. According to the original plan, the repair works will last until 19.05.2021.

    Please follow the signs and guidelines posted by Tartu Bus Station for platform changes and, if necessary, contact Cargobus cashier to specify your bus departure platform.

    We apologize for any inconvenience.

    Read more on the Tartu city website tartu.ee!

    Tartu Bus Station road repair

  • TRAVEL INFO: Changes in Tallinn Bus Station opening hours

    Due to new and stricter COVID-19 restrictions in the Republic of Estonia, the opening hours of Tallinn Bus Station will also change from 12.03.2021.

    Open during COVID-19 restrictions (12.03.2021–27.06.2021):
    Mon–Fri 07:00–23:00

    Ticket sales during COVID-19 restrictions (12.03.2021–01.05.2021):
    Mon–Fri 08:00–18:00 bus tickets can be purchased from the ticket office.
    Mon–Fri 18:00–20:00 bus tickets can be purchased from Cargobus Tallinn terminal.
    Sat 08:00–16:00 bus tickets can be purchased from Cargobus Tallinn terminal.
    Sun 10:00–16:00 bus tickets can be purchased from Cargobus Tallinn terminal.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!

    Please wear a mask indoors at Tallinn Bus Station and keep a moderate distance from other passengers!

  • CULTURE: Christian Ackermann’s exhibition at Tallinn Bus Station

    From 02.02.2021, you can see X-ray photographs of the statues created by Christian Ackermann from the exposition of the Niguliste Museum in the waiting hall of the Tallinn bus station.

    “The format of the pop-up exhibition allows a wider circle of people to get acquainted with Ackermann’s work.” Piret Järvan, the head of the marketing and sales department of the Art Museum of Estonia, was pleased with the proposal from the Tallinn bus station. According to Järvan, the statues created by Ackermann from the churches of Northern Estonia also surprise those who are not interested in church art.

    “With a high probability, these statues may no longer be seen together in this century as they migrate back to their home churches. The exhibition at the bus station features X-ray photographs of the statues, which were completed as part of a large-scale research project. I believe that this kind of exhibition at the bus station may arouse interest in visiting the Niguliste Museum.” says Järvan.

    In 2017, the Art Museum of Estonia, the Estonian Academy of Arts and the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church signed a cooperation agreement aimed at interdisciplinary research of Ackermann’s work and bringing his sculptural art back into the art field. As a result of the cooperation, you can see a close-up of nearly 60 sculptures created for the Estonian church at the Niguliste Museum exhibition.

    The pop-up exhibition at Tallinn Bus Station is open until this May.

    Read more from the Art Museum of Estonia website kunstimuuseum.ekm.ee!

  • CULTURE: EKA architecture students’ future visions of Tallinn Bus Station

    Tallinn Bus Station dreams of renewal and in the autumn 2019, we asked students of the Estonian Academy of Arts a question – how do they see the bus station of the future?

    As a result of the study assignment, the EKA student exhibition “T4 – Tallinn Timber Tower Terminal” will be available at Tallinn Bus Station this autumn, which will showcase eight designs for the future bus station. Guests at the bus station were able to vote for their favourite. On October 16 the people’s favourite, the GRADIENT project by Mia Martina Peil and Anna Smetanina was announced.

    In the process of creating the designs, students had to rely on environmentally friendly building materials, transport traffic and people’s privacy and comfort in a dense urban space.

    “In today’s light, it is too early to talk about the redevelopment of the bus station, but the projects will certainly become input in the preparation of the initial task of the architectural competition of Tallinn Bus Station. It is great that the public has also been able to express their opinion on the future bus station within three weeks, we are looking forward to seeing which solution of the eight designs will be the favourite,” Airika Aruksaar, CEO of Tallinn Bus Station, comments on the EKA exhibition.

    Read more from the website of EKA!

  • CURRENT: One of Bolt’s most popular destinations during the COVID-19 pandemic was Tallinn Bus Station

    Bolt compiled a list of the eight most popular destinations during the Coronavirus pandemic (23.03.2020–29.03.2020).

    As a big surprise to everyone, Tallinn Bus Station turned out to be in second place even during the Coronavirus pandemic, when many intercity lines were closed and the number of bus passengers had dropped a lot.

    Due to the high demand for taxi service to the bus station, Bolt established Estonia’s first official stopping point in front of the main door of Tallinn Bus Station.